Tourists unwilling to visit Kashmir as tourism Industry in India hit all time low

Tourists unwilling to visit Kashmir as tourism Industry in India hit all time low

Tourists find Kashmir occupied by India not only disputed territory but also unwilling to visit other parts of India. Tourism industry in India is in loss after the abrogation of article 370 in Kashmir.

Mumbai tourism also hit hard with visitors opting out to land from foreign countries as they used to. Many tourism friendly parts of India in the North and the West hit hard with huge losses. It was the impact of Kashmir, which has been learned because tourist visit Kashmir and think about traveling across India.


In the past four months, India received tourists to the tune of 60 thousand in 2019’s August, September, October and Nov. While in the previous year, India accrued huge benefit with over half a million tourists traveled across India after visiting Kashmir. It’s not that Kashmir is only best tourist spot in India but there are many parts of India, which receive large numbers of tourists.


India should realize that Kashmir at present is no more called a tourism friendly area. With the imposition of troops of about 900 thousand in the Valley, India created Kashmir as disputed northern part. Thus, there’s huge impact to India’s tourism industry and that is a major setback.

Tourists from foreign countries find India as not safe to visit because of the abrogation of article 370. And from there towards BJP’s fake fight against fake terrorism, it was learned.

This story is based on the research done with the help of internet reporters and their opinions about India’s tourism industry. The story is on the whole written to create awareness about the essence of tourism in India. And that should be realized by the present govt to empower tourism industry. However, tourists are welcome to visit India.

Khalid M Raza


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