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Job Hunt

Application Rejected, Job Not Applied, Write Resume This Way, Job interview basics ignored, Shortfall in Employment, Jobless, Economy, India, Poor, Rich, Upload, Photo id, Adsense, Google, Interviews, job, interview, search, Dubai, Update Resume, Simple Way, Salary, Experience
Searching a job by effective method,  

Feeling tense with hot blood,

What extra needs to be done?

Still can’t able to find one,

Effort is to try hard and get,

Losing patience that's not to forget,

That this situation is to fret,

Unable to get satisfaction being afraid

What needs to be done and should be said?

About this cruel lesson,

Jobs are plenty but for me none,

Learnt so many things I bet,

There might be no proper planning set,

So there is no proper work done

I felt I applied effectively everything needed,

I'm in a position, where something preceded

And it didn’t worked out in my way

The job hunt process is in my way

Let's see what happens next

Where I can win the contest

Let me hope for the best

I can feel what's the test

I need to pass to feel better

I will do all that matter

Khalid M Raza

image: Pixabay

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