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Mars visitors can submit their names as NASA will take you in flight to Mars

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Great Opportunity awaits for you

It has been years before the first mission to set foot on Mars was taken place. However, NASA is providing an opportunity to the people across the world. All the people told to send their names through NASA’s website link submission online process. The mission rover has been scheduled to be launched on July 2020. NASA with their spacecraft, which is expected to touch Mars in February 2021 with cognizance also gotten highlighted.

The Rover for Mars

The mission rover, a type of robotic scientist weighs more than 2,300 pounds (1,000 kilograms). Rover will search for signs of past microbial life. It will also characterize the planet’s climate and geology, collect samples for future return to Earth. Finally, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet Mars.

“As we need to get ready to launch this historic Mars mission, we want everyone to share this journey of exploration,” said Thomas Zurbuchen. Mr Thomas is associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) in Washington. “It’s very exciting time for NASA. We are gonna embark on this voyage to answer profound questions. And explore our neighboring planet, and even the origins of life there.” Said he.

Sending of names process for Mars visit

There’s a great opportunity for the people to send their names for Mars flight, which comes with a souvenir boarding pass. Also people will get the “frequent flyer” points. This is purely for public engagement campaign to highlight missions involving NASA’s journey on large scale. From the Moon to Mars, and where these developments can take the people on rides needs to understand the excitement. It’s heartening to know that more than 2 million names registered on NASA’s InSight mission to Mars. Every “flyer” of the 300 million frequent flyer miles (nearly 500 million frequent flyer kilometers) have been carried upon.

Don’t wait until Sept. 30, add your name to the list and obtain a souvenir boarding pass to Mars by clicking here:

NASA to use Mars 2020 and their other missions to prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet Mars. Moving forward, NASA will return American astronauts to the Moon in 2024.

For better information on Mars 2020, visit please click here:

For more to know about NASA’s Moon to Mars plans, visit:

Khalid M Raza

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