Flirting lady secretary days gone past for Bosses
Dating many at a time seems no good causes
Flirting lady secretary days gone past for Bosses
Speaking a lot in phrases and clauses
Can turn you away from the losses
Adorable secretaries are not found at workplaces
Writing something for you to read in pauses
Interrupting you from the word go in tosses
Leveling the rhyming in these cases
Munching chocolates are the blesses
Blessing in disguise can be your success
Don’t be eating too little or in excess
Dating many at a time seems no good causes
Flirting lady secretary days gone past for Bosses
Let the mourning away and be happy over the losses
Do not panic about anything that’s gone in ashes
Readying yourself is something very good for the classes
Learning to earn a lot will be in favor of the taxes
Money you earn may benefit taxation even if you’re cautious
Dating many at a time seems no good causes
Flirting lady secretary days gone past for Bosses
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