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Indian Companies not hiring persons of age above 35 as their growth stops

Indian Companies, Age 35, School, Kids, Summer vacation, success, people, money

Indian Companies do not look for the best and prefer young people with not enough talent. But their intention explains a lot to find lesser talented youth than middle aged highly talented persons. Indian Companies think that talented people above 35 are not useful because of their health issues. This is not acceptable. Moreover, it’s pathetic that Indian Companies also ignore talented Freelancers. Age discriminating strategies are only for their downfall as they stick to hire youngsters. However, ignoring the best talent to provide even Freelancing jobs seems abusing middle aged people.

A Freelancer finds peace to work from home to get some extra income to help his family better. Indian Companies think tank looks at Freelancers above the age of 35 as dead ones. Or might be dying soon with ailments. They may not worry about health issues but fear that their Company might be troubled by over age people. Such thinking should be condemned.


A better candidate with vast experience in India easily ignored because his age is above 35. But, UK and US still give student visa to Indians above the age of 45 with their genuine reason to study. Education is not limited to age and every aged person can study as long as he or she is alive. Learning demands no age criteria then why Indian Companies prefer only youngsters for jobs? This question is tricky because Companies miss out on highly talented individuals and their growth stops. Matured persons above age 35 are ignored because Indian Companies want young talent and this hits them hard.

Why Indian Companies Never Grow


I discussed earlier about issuance of student visas to middle aged Indians by Western Countries. Amusing to know that when the middle aged persons come back to India then they struggle to find jobs. After completing their studies they contact Indian Companies to get jobs as they deserve to. But, they get hurt because of this message, “Sorry we’re looking for persons less than age 35 and not over 35”. Deliberation to hire people affects a lot to the Companies and they grow not rapidly.

Highly talented and hard working persons of more than age 35 has been given red signal. This trend in India keeps growing since 2005. This trend neither helps persons of over 35 nor benefits Companies in India. Again they get disappointed as they want to do jobs rather than doing businesses of their own. This hurts them because they’re highly educated and highly talented and their dream to find good jobs gets shattered. And they cannot start any business as they’re educated to find better jobs and they follow what they know. Their struggle goes on and on.

Know The Abilities First Without Refusing Resumes


Indian Companies on the age criteria are losing highly talented persons and the Companies are not growing. Ignoring people of ages of above 35 is acceptable if they don’t have enough talent. But, it’s shameful that Companies in India do not hire highly talented people as their age matters than their talent. This is absurd business management. And will only keep the Companies in India to ride their luck but stops their growth.

Indian Companies should communicate with the aspiring candidates and know more about them. They cannot refuse the resume on the basis of age criterion. Such individuals of more than the age of 35 should be understood with proper communication. And if they fit in the role that the Company provides then it’s better to hire them. The best thing is to keep such over aged and highly talented persons on probation period. If they perform better as expected then the Company will definitely gets benefited. There’s lot of talented persons in India and Indian Companies ignore them because of the age factor. This logic is confusing as it targets age factor and not other factors such as enthusiasm and energy.

Khalid M Raza

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