Supreme Court cannot bear BJP’s more lies and the Court is Supreme to judge BJP’s criminal leaders. BJP has already given ticket to many leaders as almost all the BJP leaders have criminal records. Supreme Court cannot bear to listen to blatant lies by BJP anymore. People of India have full trust over Supreme Court of India. And they’re waiting for the Court’s judgement to nullify article 370, CAA & more.
BJP is supposed to explain the Supreme Court as why the BJP included leaders having criminal records. There’s violence and terror in India continues because of BJP’s criminal leaders. Indians want a peaceful govt and not the govt that incites terror every time.
By this time also BJP never learned a lesson. What it could be in store for India if BJP continues to play divide & rule politics? There are many questions that the Apex Court asked the BJP to answer. If BJP fails to give proper explanation about their criminal leaders then it will be pushed back. People are aware that BJP is a failure and the followers of BJP slowly switching over to know the truth.
When truth comes out very late then it will be difficult for India to proceed for progress. Thus, it’s high time that BJP should be exposed otherwise Indians will be blamed for voting BJP. However, Supreme Court is supposed to take action against BJP and if this is the case then no one can favor BJP. BJP govt will be exposed and the countdown begins.