“Prominent Bollywood producer wants to fund the rest of Kapil Mishra’s one crore campaign. The man who incited crowds by saying “desh ke gaddaron….”. Said Rana Ayyub. Rana Ayyub revealed an important fact of funds to be arranged for Kapil Mishra for more attacks. Let’s know more about Rana…
Rana Ayyub is a prominent figure too as she was born in Mumbai, India and grew up witnessing hatred against Muslims. Her family moved from the 92-93 riot hit Mumbai to a place dominated by Muslims. Her fear against the attacks over Indian Muslims made her to be practicing Muslim. She used to be a pious Muslim and a peaceful person.
She was popularly known more with her Father’s famous writing. Her father used to write for a Mumbai based magazine, Blitz. Rana Ayyub is also an important member of the progressive writers movement. The Mumbai city witnessed riots in 1992-93. Therefore, the family moved to Deonar. Rana then largely grew up in the Muslim dominant Deonar.
Rana Ayyub worked as an investigative journalist at Tehalka. She was given a task from Tehalka as an assignment to carry out the sting operation upon. Her book Gujarat Files was based upon her sting operations over 2002 Gujarat riots. She completed the sting operation but the management of Tehelka refused to publish any work written by her. The book was based on the data collected by her with herculean efforts.
However, Rana continued to work for Tehelka and finally she gave up. Rana Ayyub revealed a fact again about Kapil Mishra today and this shouldn’t be taken lightly.