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Donald Trump refuses brutal force on protesters as protests in US continue

Donald Trump says he will win, Trump says if he loses, Donald Trump on safety of Americans, Donald Trump mocks Joe Biden, Donald Trump is angry, If Donald Trump loses, Donald Trump claims all Americans, Protests, US, USA, Americans, Donald Trump refuses brutal force, Protesters, violence, India, Indians, Illegals, jobs, Countries. China, Pandemic

Donald Trump refuses brutal force as he kept on saying: “My fellow Americans – My first and best duty as President is to defend our great Country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our Nation. And that is exactly what I will do”. However, with his speech he looked confused. And he was animated over the death of George Floyd. The most lovable and less professional President of America Donald Trump refuses brutal force as it was the need of the hour. Otherwise the situation could go worse in couple of days or more.  

“America needs creativity and not destruction. Law should needs to be maintained as many lawful measures will be taken up. I want to solve the problem caused through the protests as quick as possible”. Donald Trump claimed this recently. He lamented that America has beautiful laws and the laws can help Americans a lot and so Americans shouldn’t be sad.

“Businesses already spread in America to achieve successes and if they’re looted then it will not be taken lightly. What happened last night was worrisome. I will use military if possible to stop the rioting. And for the safety of the properties and the Americans. Laws in America needs to be restored”. Donald Trump had said. However, he went on to speak for only about few minutes to ensure Americans that lives and properties will be safe.

It was good to know that Donald Trump refuses to use brutal force against the protesters. And this is another lesson that needs to be learned.

Khalid M Raza

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