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Your business works with your own style of you to be with you always

Your Business, MJCET Engineers, Donations, Tourists, Saudi Arabia Job, People, Visitors, Family, Time, Saudi, Law, Kashmir, Tourism industry, India tourism, Curfew, COVID-19

During this COVID-19 pandemic, people lost jobs and lost businesses too. Many businesses had to shutdown particularly in India because of the setback to the economy since 2019. You can look towards a bit more in the past to think your business losses since 2016. And for more years to come as an Indian BJP voter. Forget demonetization, GST etc. Think this way that your business had to shutdown even though you did exceptionally well.

Likewise, most of the hardworking people in India lost their jobs and more Indians to lose their jobs in foreign countries. Don’t bother about what cards the BJP govt plays in their own way to consider politics as another business.

Politics will always be in our minds whether we’re working or about to lose our best jobs. You shouldn’t think with a shorter frame of mindset as your goal is not restricted to serve only your family. Your business is looking at the world with a magnifying glass. Whatever happens in other places might not happen at your place.

However, don’t think that you missed the bus. Though you might be regretting that why didn’t you allowed yourself to work in so and so developed foreign countries? A job or business anywhere in the world or in India is still the same. You can earn as much as you want to from any corner of the world. Only thing is achieving of short term goals one by one.

Think about your product, about yourself, the industry, and the world. Businesspersons won’t sell a product because they want to sell a whole new way of thinking from their products. Everyone will never agree with your business. But you shouldn’t give it up unless you shift towards those businesses that can do well at present situation.

The goal in your business should be to adopt a strategy to sell your product to some and ignore some. This way you’re not selling to everyone, who needs what you have. Target the people, who think the way you think and not everyone of different thoughts.

Your Business Needs You More…

Well, the goal in your business should be to sell to those people, who share your opinion. The people, who believe what you believe. For example, a vegetarian person can do better in his veg restaurant business. This is so because he or she thinks the way they’re to be as themselves in any case. India is struck hard with poverty from all around as the middle class too surviving on peanuts. Look for customers, who like your product and also like you. This strategy can work if I’m not wrong.

You can’t blame India’s govt because they’re doing what they think and they too have millions of followers. They choose 30 to 40% of India’s population and make them happy. These 30 or 40% of the people never care about the crises after crises but wait for “Good days”. And the “Good days” will never come. And the rest 60 to 70% of the population always suffer because they get divided within other parties.

Do shift from one business to another if you’re bearing losses in your current business. Choose what business suits you the best and your products needs to be sold to whom. Make your choice with good homework and you’ll definitely achieve your goals and success as the time goes on. Try with small investment and do a lot of study to prepare a project over your small business.

Khalid M Raza

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