The sleuths of CCS (Malkajgiri & LB Nagar) and SOT teams with co-ordination of Nacharam Police arrested four criminals. The arrested Nepali nationals were spotted committing robbery in HMT Nagar of Nacharam. Earlier, they used commit robberies across India. They tried a plan and failed in executing it as Nacharam Police was alert. Also the Nacharam Police seized lots of Gold and cash along with two Wrist watches, sleeping pills, one Cell phones, etc. Nepali Robbers used to commit criminal offenses since a longtime in India.
Details of Nepali Robbers
Lady Maya Manju wife of Baba Singh Age: 35 yrs, Occupation: Maid Servant, Nepali
Rajesh Chabilal Soni alias Jaya Bahadur Sunar Son of Chabilal Sunar, Age: 45 years, Caste: Sony (Sunar), Occupation: Watchman at River Park Society, Nepali
Hemprasad S/o Pashupathi, Age: 44 years, Caste: Brahamin, Occupation: Watchman at Sangeetha House ( Under Construction Building), Nepali
Nirmal Saud S/o Ramsingh, Age: 42 years, Caste: Saud, Occupation: Laborer at Crusher Machine, Nepali
Lady Visna Sunar Wife of Rajesh Chabilal Soni, Age: 40 yrs, Occupation: House wife, Nepali
The arrested Nepali Robbers belong to Nepal and they came to India for their livelihood. Accused persons used to work as laborers and maid servants in various places in India. Whenever they got an opportunity to work in a rich family’s house, they used to commit offences.
The case detected under the leadership of Sri Mahesh M Bhagwat IPS, Commissioner of Police.