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India Vs Pakistan World Cup T20 Keeps Wine Shops Busy

Wine shops, India vs Pakistan World Cup T20, Cricket, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Smoking, Win. Lose

Cigarettes, tobacco products including a variety of alcohol sales increased today. Wine shops are busy having huge rush in the afternoon before India vs Pakistan World Cup T20 match. Alcoholics prepared to watch the match readying for the outcome later on as wine sales going on since 11: am. Cricket always equally famous in India and Pakistan.

India starts as favorites. It sounds as if no more TVs would be smashed. But high intake of relatively harmful products will be indefinite from the evening today. India vs Pakistan World Cup T20 starts at 7: 30 pm tonight.

Look for an opportunity not to smoke or not to booze. Indian people look for something different. They always find or try to find an opportunity to smoke as many cigarettes as possible. It’s confirmed that there will be huge celebrations in India if India wins the match. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco products like pan masala and cigarettes, bidis will be higher tonight.

People have to wait for so many hours sitting at homes in India after they woke up late. So, they’re desperate to watch India vs Pakistan World Cup T20 at any cost. In their desperation, it’s the reporters, who travelled around to see huge rush at wine shops particularly.

Alcoholics have so many reasons even if India loses the World Cup T20 match against Pakistan, they’ll drink a lot. The logic is to find an opportunity to smoke or consume relatively harmful products. Sales of sweets also would be more in the night as sweet shops are well prepared with more stock of bestselling sweets.

Photo by Valeria Boltneva on

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