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AdSense Never Disappoints Even If Earning Is Low

AdSense, Google, Earn Money, Bloggers, Blogging, Passion, Article Writing, Posts, Topics, Bloggers Wait To Earn

You might be so optimistic to earn even $100 per day keeping AdSense in mind. And so you keep checking your AdSense account frequently. As a blogger, you may believe in making more money or somewhere around $10 to $30 per day. It’s possible to make even $50 per day or as told earlier, you can make $100 per day. So, you keep checking your AdSense account frequently and notice nothing ticking as per your wish. Not even $0.25 to keep you interested working for more hours daily. Here, AdSense never disappoints even if your daily earning is low.

There are many features, you can apply, and so Google keeps you reminding. One of them is Amp. Amp supports your site in such a way that your articles load faster on mobile. This way, readers don’t leave reading your article once what they wanted to know is there. You’ll make more money if you keep Amp plugin in your site (a WordPress blog) which Google keeps suggesting you. Coming back to where AdSense never disappoints you and why? Here, AdSense is just turning your passion to make money, little or more.

You write so much interesting articles and also subscribe to various news agencies to upload news reports too. This way, your rank will be improved. Rank can’t determine how much more you can earn or how much less you earn.

AdSense is not a source of income for your luxury life but it’s a source to keep you working passionately. You should be fine even if you earn $0.20 to $0.25 daily, and so this will take you months or even a year to reach your threshold. Once, your threshold reached, AdSense will transfer that amount in your bank account.

How To Make At Least $10 Daily

Most of the bloggers make as much as $30 to $50 per day. They don’t mind even if they earn $1 per day because it takes a lot of their time, as much as 3-5 years to get going. The writing experience counts. The more you write without bothering about hiring writers for your blog, you can make more money.

Once in a month, bloggers will be delighted to know that one of their articles gone viral or achieved 60,000 to 70,000 views. Having 60,000 to 70,000 views for one particular article can generate about $200 to $250. This is much better than how YouTubers make money.

Don’t give up as most YouTubers do. If they don’t earn money then they won’t work. Your passion is writing, and so be passionate about whatever you write to get going. Get going is your blog neither in a loss nor in a profit as long as you’re able to bear expenses of renewing your domain, and so on. If you can earn $100 as your minimum threshold, which reaches in sometime to about 1 year, then still there’s a breakeven. You still can manage. Don’t you think so?

Yes, to make $10 or a bit more per day to reach about $350 per month, you need to write more articles.

Choose good topics, and produce killer articles of about 2000 words in about every 3-4 days. If you think your experience in writing such articles has become your habit, then you can make more than $350 per month. That’s more than $10 per day. You can write short articles of about 400 words, and still you can earn more. These articles will not be the killer ones, and so you need to write at least 25 such 400 worded articles per day.

Why AdSense Never Disappoints

Whatever the performance of your blog, and where your blog stands will be known to you through Google Analytics. You can notice the performance of your blog also through Google Webmasters. You can figure out how your blog is performing and so you can work to improve the performance of your WordPress blog. Don’t write similar articles. Write always unique and on many different topics.

Keep in mind Google prefers a story or an article, which explains the readers in detail about what they want to know. This way, if your blog performs better according to you as you notice post views are higher at sometime, and then your earnings will be more.

AdSense never disappoints you even if your earnings are low because your blog achieves what it deserves. Depending upon post views, your income will be more or less. Just ignore page RPM, page CTR and CPC for sometime. You can still make good money if you produce 40-60 good articles. The views count should be more than 5000 per day. Don’t quit your content writing job just to make money on your own using AdSense. It’s tough to earn money using AdSense, but at the same time it requires patience.

Work just too hard to produce killer articles else don’t write for a day or two. Relax, and do write passionately because your passion can make more money for you.

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We do not pay attention to report posts lengthy. However, we’ve posts of 2000 words to 7000 words. Our intention is to consume lesser time of our readers for them to go through our site experiencing different topics. So, we stopped adding more content to our posts in order to make our readers do not read more than what’s required…

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