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Joe Biden Wants Build Back Better Act Passed In Senate

Joe Biden remembers Harry Reid, Died at 82, Reid, Good work, Joe Biden Not To Hike Taxes, Joe Biden Wants Build Back Better, Tax cut, Wealthy Americans, card, Joe Biden, Student Loans

Joe Biden wants build back better act passed in the senate as he tweeted his thoughts in few words. Which are: “America has always been a nation of possibilities. Instead of continuing tax cuts for big corporations. And the wealthiest Americans, let’s ensure they pay their fair share. And lower the cost of child care and prescription drugs by passing the Build Back Better Act in the Senate”. His tweet not so appreciated because a few of his followers replied this way too:

  1. Donna Marie: Their fair share, beyond their legal tax avoidance or other dancing around what they should owe. They enjoy the benefits of doing business in this country. They should support it with enthusiasm and gratitude. Some businesses actually DO.
  2. Rahul Kumar: In that way, working class will keep on demanding more and more but paying less in their expenses like school fees and tax! While the middle class will keep on spending more, and paying taxes, unable to save nothing!

The above two replies to the claims that Joe Biden wants build back better act passed in senate indicate something otherwise. If America is the nation of possibilities, then why not forgive student loans? Why lenient to the corporations and the wealthiest Americans? Amazing thoughts one couldn’t understand where America is heading towards say few others. It was also learned that Joe Biden has a 50-50 positive-negative points so far. 50% of America still support him. But that’s not enough.

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