Ever since Virat Kohli turned veggie along with Anushka Sharma, it was learned that the former lost cricket form. Both these celebrity couple transformed from a non-veg-diet to veg-diet as Anushka Sharma had announced this particularly. “We have become vegetarians (she didn’t said vegans, note this), just we’re against killing of animals”.
The difference between vegetarians and vegans is that veggies consume milk and some other animal related products. Vegans on the other hand are pure vegetarians, they won’t like anything related to animals.
The story moves on, where Dr. Veena Shatrugna says: “There’s a genuine scientific report, which says animal protein is essential for everyone. Animal protein could be a very good source of protein for all. It’s nonsense to say killing of animals is a curse. I’m so sad”. Yes, non veg food essential at least twice or if possible 3-4 times per week for everyone in India”. She already said a lot about non veg food and its benefits. Let’s come to the topic.
Note few words too below:
The best thing to note here is since not so recently Virat Kohli turned Veggie, and simultaneously maybe lost some strength to taste failures in his international cricket. He lost his cricket form, and this is to remind you all that if you want to become veggie, start doing some other jobs like acting or changing your jobs to not use your force or reflexes rather become a commentator or a mentor.
Virat Kohli continues to play cricket, but fails match after match consistently. However, it’s not totally believed that because of his transformation to a veggie he lost his cricket form. But Dr. Veena Shatrugna points out something to learn from. Let’s be simple and know the benefits of food whether veg or non veg.
How we post reports like Virat Kohli turned veggie…, etc.
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