The power of reading is far more productive to gain knowledge than sitting idle. Sitting idle be like what are you waiting for. Waiting for something to happen. Just sitting to read nothing or thinking something to write. Before you write or produce any content, keep in mind some topic to do all your hard work upon that by producing some content.
Your intent to produce content shouldn’t be necessary for reading purpose. The knowledge through whatever information you provide matters a lot. A good readable content with all your efforts to let others know something “new” would be good enough to start from scratch.
Readers won’t like what your post or article be like “let me tell you a story”. Your intent is different from the intent of the readers. You’re a writer and the readers need informative content. Don’t just be in a hurry to complete your story, article, blog or just anything. You’re not here to make your posts go viral every other time.
You’ve to keep patience and the readers won’t need to keep patience. They would just skim through your posts or read a few words if not a paragraph and close the tab. Some readers would read your entire post on any topic as regular readers. This helps you to be at ease to come up with more posts, having some reads or views you know, you gained.
Situation: What are you waiting for
Whatever might be your situation to not gain more reads or views for your blog, you need to learn by reading from some top authors. Learn how the top authors or writers communicate with their readers and also they too learn from just any other writer. Learn from where you’re losing your readers and thereby losing your interest to write.
Your passion is writing, and so why don’t you just keep writing and think nothing about the outcome? Doing your work and just sitting pretty to work more. You work more to write more posts, which qualifies you as a writer, but not an overnight ‘Hero’ at any time. It takes lot of pain to write just another post on any topic because your intent would be to let more and more people to read.
Readers won’t comeback
Means readers won’t be your regular readers for everything you post, they won’t likely to read just anything. You should come up every time for the readers with one way or the other with some informative content. This way, they know something informative of their choice, they would learn and read your entire content.
By doing so they would come again and read your latest posts if informative at that moment. They would surely are a ‘go and come’ type of readers.
They will read what they like and they would surely ignore your most of the posts. However, if they keep learning something from your posts, they would be the ones, who would help you to reach many other readers like them.
Your content needs to be informative and at the same time interesting too. You’re a writer and you should know how certain posts from some other writers go viral. How they do that. They just write by learning a lot. So, if you learn a lot and produce informative and interesting content, you’ll be on a high because content is King.