NASA news to bring rains believed but no chance for NASA to stop rainfall

NASA news to bring rains believed but no chance for NASA to stop rainfall

NASA is powerful Science on earth, which can show their experiments with their intent to boast their many achievements. Science can reach many milestones and their approach with their hard work on research need to be appreciated. While many believed that NASA made a greatest breakthrough in Science to produce rainfall, which turned out as fake. The question arises here that can they stop rainfall for some reason of benefit? The answer to this question might not be answered. This is because NASA believes that working with well researched Science can do wonders.

How NASA Scientists Keep Working

Many Scientists, who work for NASA think that anything is possible and this attitude makes them keep working. They might reach many new heights but couldn’t be able to stop if not the cyclones but not even a drizzle. This needs to be understood well. There’s no reason for the people to get excited over the news that every few years pops up claiming that rains can be produced. However, Science is believed and their work on large scale is believed, yet there’s something that people needs to believe. This something is the Creation of the World and the natural calamities. Why can’t Science stop the earthquakes and storms? Since many decades, every year we get to know about cyclone disasters. These tragedies that the World knows about in no time and they occur to destroy certain part of the World.

About Science Role in Our Lives

Well, Science can produce wonders and it plays a great role in the developments for making life easy to live. It shows that people of many religions across the World believe in the Creation of the Worlds, yet in Science they believe more. This is because they live for the future and they should be reminded here that future cannot be as they want it to be. The future is something that is unknown. Anything can happen in a moment or just in seconds but people always live for future, which should be condemned.

However, it should be firmly believed that NASA cannot stop the rains not even a drizzle.

Khalid M Raza

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