Muslims can win Paradise while non Muslims cannot why?

Muslims can win Paradise while non Muslims cannot why?

Muslims can go to paradise if they try hard to perform good deeds while non Muslims cannot. The question was raised by Hindus to the attention of the Islamic scholar. The Hindus felt that even if they don’t do bad deeds then why can’t they go to Paradise. This was answered to clear the doubts that Hindus even after doing good deeds can’t be in Paradise.

After their death Muslims can only go to Paradise if they do good deeds and are forgiven for their bad deeds if any. They’ll be forgiven if they ask for forgiveness from the Almighty. For example if you’re studying class 10 and you need to pass it. Then it’s required for you to pass all the subjects so that you’ll pass class 10. If you have six subjects and get 90 % in all the subjects and except one subject in which you only get 10 %. So, you’ll not pass your class 10 even though you get 90 % in five subjects except one. And that one subject will be covered by the Muslims with the believe in Oneness of the Creator. Muslims worship the Creator and not His creations.

What Muslims need to do

Whatever knowledge of Islam one has he should propagate to his near and dear whenever possible and not keep to himself. If one sees anyone doing wrong if he can stop by his hand should do it. If he cannot stop by his hand he should stop him by his tongue. Further, if he cannot stop even by his tongue then he should feel bad within.

One can stop his son or daughter by his hand if he sees them doing anything wrong.

If some elderly person is doing something wrong. You can stop him by saying with your tongue in a nice way that this is wrong.

If you see a procession of Hindus going with idols, you can neither stop by hand nor by tongue, but you can feel bad. Your feelings matter here as Islam objects to idol worship. But, you need to keep patience as good Muslims can and to respect all religions and the people belong to those religions.

Doing Good Deeds in Islam is Easy

Muslims can learn the knowledge of Islam easily and the non Muslims can also read Qura’n in their own language. However, it’s required to believe in Oneness of the Almighty and do good deeds. Good Muslims can go to paradise, who follows the Islamic Instructions correctly. The instructions can be found in the Holy Qura’n and the Hadiths such as the book Sahi Bakhari. Meanwhile, non Muslims even after doing good deeds do not follow the right path. Right path is that he or she should believe in the Oneness of the Unseen Almighty and not in Polytheism. He or she should gain knowledge about Islam and this was already explained here earlier with examples.

Khalid M Raza

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