How stage of life comes back to know some worries of future

How stage of life comes back to know some worries of future

Life is not necessarily worth enjoying every time with how well it’s going on as you must know it. You must know the life and live it accordingly with no hard feelings on others living with you. This is because anytime you’ll be helped by others, who live with you and you need to understand it. How long or short maybe your life but you need to live as long as you can. You’re not aware though about the length of your life and you keep yourself busy.

Keeping busy oneself is beneficial and at the same time, it requires to understand the stages of life. First stage is your childhood and the next is youth and the worrying old age, which is the third stage.

Childhood as First Stage of Life

Childhood provides you no worries and you live it with whatever benefit you get. A new born child needs attention every moment and he or she will be in need of adult help. For milk the new born will cry and gets fed and for thirst, time pass etc. The child likes business and cannot be left alone for a long time. There’s more in the childhood to enjoy than in other two stages. In the second stage some may look for having a bright future and keep working while having fun. They feel strong and they do what they like and want to build their career and live an interesting life. However, when they see the older people they won’t realize that they too are about to get to that stage.

Moving Towards End

Third stage comes inevitably as the old age stage and it’s just like your very first stage. People have a shorter life up to a month and a longer life of about 100 years. Many might face death in their teenage and in their twenties, thirties or forties.

If you live a longer life until your third stage, which is similar to your first stage. And in your third stage, you lose strength, and mostly bedridden. Who’s helping you out in your third stage? For some there’ll be medical attention by the nurses, who do all your services. But, some cannot afford and are helped by anyone if not by the spouse.

Help in third stage is necessary and this will be similar to the help you got in your first stage. Thus, childhood comes back and you’ll find it in your old age.

Khalid M Raza

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