It’s debatable that why Muslims are silent when Kashmiris still suffering and even after Delhi riots taken place? No Indian including the silent Muslims objected to the abrogation of article 370. Why should Indians worry about Muslims in Kashmir? They’ve good knowledge about BJP’s oppression to the Muslims in Kashmir. The curfew still not lifted and Women and Children are in trouble. Children aren’t going to their Schools and Internet and other basic facilities are shut there.
At least now the Muslims should wake up and protect the constitution of India. Muslims should try to be better peace loving and responsible citizens to help innocents. Kashmir is gone under BJP’s criminal hands and now Delhi Muslims troubled.
Muslims according to Islam are regarded as Trees, who can give cool shadow as well as fruits. In every way Muslims in India endured a lot under BJP and they’re still silent. They cannot come out in groups to fight against their enemies because Islam prohibits this. But, if Muslims cannot raise their voices and do not do anything to help innocents then they’re great sinners.
Every Muslim in India or from anywhere in the World should be beneficial to innocents belonging to any religion. Muslims need to help innocents and shouldn’t be silent spectators. Under BJP, it was seen that even Police favored the violators of law and order.
Muslims are Silent in India but BJP will be defeated
When Babri Masjid was destroyed, it was fine that Muslims preferred to be silent. And depended solely to what the Almighty will do for them if they do not create violence. Yes, that period was gone and as a minority in India, Muslims shouldn’t suffer more. So, it’s time to get together with small initiatives.
Muslims should call for a meeting in not so large numbers but should gather all Muslims from their localities. Every locality of Muslims in every part of India should get united irrespective of casts or creed. They should hold meetings even in their each apartment buildings. The Muslims, who go to Mosques needs to share their mobile numbers with each other. And play their role as helpful as possible to the innocents from any religion.
Thus, the unity or you can say that Charity starts first from homes. And so every locality should be responsible to protect their neighbors from atrocities under BJP. Muslims are silent and should be silent but should never waste their time and should do whatever possible to protect innocents. Thus, BJP will dominate the poor helpless minorities with violence using Police for how long? If we do something good then the Almighty will help us and we’ll not regret in the future if we never react today.
They plan and it can be seen that many building raised near adjoining areas where muslims & Hindu living. For example the building raised at the following places
Quadri Chaman- Falaknuma
Farooq Nagar
Toli Chowki
To accomodate police or military. Its look like their plan to attacks muslim first by hire rioters later to deploy the police or army in listed building to avoid return action of muslim over non muslims.