This is a good news coming in. It will be beneficial to the people of India whether Muslims or Non Muslims. This step taken by Supreme Court of India on the basis of humanity. If Corona Virus testings must be Free of cost then it will be better for all Indians. India will fight effectively against Corona Virus if Corona Virus testings made Free of cost. Hope the BJP govt accepts Supreme Court order this time and allows more testings of the Virus and for Free.
It was learned that currently hospitals are charging huge some of money to do tests of Corona Virus. Helpless middle class people, who seldom visit govt hospitals. And are becoming poor because of price rise of commodities. Even it was also learned that govt hospitals also charging fees for testing people over Corona Virus.
Let’s hope that India could do more Corona Virus testings and curb this Virus better than South Korea. However, all countries are suffering lot with so much rise in Corona Virus cases. But, India had a good time to utilize for battling against this Virus. They didn’t do that amicably and yes with the Supreme Court’s order there will be more Corona Virus tests. And we’ll have a Corona Virus free India in few months.