Delaying prayers to that extent until you realize you wasted your prayers why?

Delaying prayers to that extent until you realize you wasted your prayers why?

Farhat Hashmi is highly educated doctor and an educator of Islam to the people around the world. She is against wasting time as you realize that delaying prayers to such an extent when you feel very sad. If you wasted your prayers and also do not pray the dues of the prayers as Khaza then it’s worrying. This is so because in Islam all five time prayers are compulsory.


Dr Farhat Hashmi also told that missing prayers are nothing but a major sin. If you avoid major sins and pray irregularly then you’re nowhere. It’s so because you’re a better Muslim only when you offer your five time prayers. Prayers are the command from the Almighty and should be taken seriously. Whenever you do some work then you can also see the clock frequently not to miss your prayer.

If you missed couple or more prayers with unavoidable circumstances then immediately complete the due prayers. You can do so as soon as you realize that you missed your prayers. But, it’s not good to be very sad when you know that our Almighty is most Merciful. His forgiveness is greater than your biggest of biggest sins. Repent always and follow Islam righteously.

Make your life simple as Muslims are believers and they do submit their will to the Almighty. You need to be clever enough to extract some time for prayers from your tight schedule. Delaying prayers to that extent until you realize might make your life uneasy. The call for prayers always includes come to success and more.

Khalid M Raza

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