Wine shops in Tamil Nadu closed on the orders of the Madras High Court. Recently, the BJP opened Wine shops across the nation during the daytime from 11: AM to 6: PM. However, in Tamil Nadu all the State run TASMAC liquor shops closed from today. ‘TASMAC’ is “Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation”. The setback to the families in Tamil Nadu is more than the setback to the economy. Hence, Tamil Nadu have taken a decision in the favor of the society and not for the business purpose.
BJP wanted business and have levied huge tax over liquor sale and reaped in with much more. The queues at all the locations, where liquor sold are just horrible because of no substantial social distance. This is the step that needs to be followed by all the States despite BJP’s wrong decision. The decision of opening liquor shops might favor the economy but it’s against the principles of today’s life.
People live at homes and drink while hurting their family members. Moreover, queues for purchasing wine aren’t maintained. Thus, it’s highly appreciated that Tamil Nadu banned the sale of Wine.
Wine shops in Tamil Nadu are closed. And people are told in the State to follow strict laws to fight against the spread of COVID-19. If anyone found guilty of breaking the rule then under strict judiciary notice he or she will be punished. Only online orders will be entertained said the court later today.