Indian Media used to show that India & China border situation is normal. But, some Social Media posts keeping people aware with some horrible and worrying facts. The facts shaking BJP followers a lot more but still they’re supporting BJP. The BJP govt ignored crises after crises for just face saving purpose. And BJP diverted the attention of the people of India with fake reports. Chinese troops troubling India more than what we know as BJP failed to take any action. Indians want a clear message and a warning should be sent to China indicating retaliations. BJP is riding on Indian Media to hide that Chinese troops troubling India.
Indians will demand a strong reply against China. And this will bother BJP a lot. The BJP govt is pleased with Indian media because of creating fake propaganda frequently. Indian Media is empowered to show Indians differently than actual facts. BJP supports Indian Media and Vice Versa. Fake reports from Indian Media aren’t going to solve the issues as Chinese troops troubling India a lot.
If India fails to fight against China and keeps Indians follow BJP blindly then later on the facts will be disgusting. The BJP govt sooner or later will be in deep trouble as factual news content might go viral. This way, BJP will have nothing more to explain Indians in a wrong way or with fake reports. The BJP coward games since 2014 spoiled the image of India.
We’re not afraid of China and we want BJP govt for retaliation. BJP should come out openly on the issues that Chinese troops troubling India more. Indian Media never will be capable to make Indians pleased with BJP in future. Indians will know fake news more in future from Indian Media but this will be futile.