Huge spike of 22,771 new Corona virus cases recorded in the last 24 hours. It took India’s tally towards more than 6,50,000 cases at present. About 18,650 patients never recovered from the pandemic COVID-19 or Corona virus. Reportedly, a total of 19000 people died since couple of days in India. It was noted as the most huge spike in COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Union Health Ministry declared this morning as race for vaccine took off. 400 thousand people affected with the pandemic recovered in India.
60% recovery rate in India is not a good sign as some of the recovered patients might be infected again, say experts. Many people in India still suffering a lot in hospitals with low class care. It will be better for most of the new patients of Corona virus or COVID-19 to stay at homes and get treatment. Doctors not necessarily treat patients preferring to stay at homes. But, many health organizations in India providing guidelines and oxygen cylinders to fight the battle against the pandemic. People find their homes as better places to get treated rather than exposed to horrible hospital managements.
The first Indian vaccine will be launched on or before August 15. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in partnership with Bharat Biotech International Limited briefed media today. Race for vaccine continues as 12 more institutes also selected for clinical trials.
Scientists from around the World are in a race for vaccine because of their closely watched 10 million cases. Importantly, the race for vaccine started after noticing over 600,000 cases in India. And caused more than 18 thousand deaths in India from the pandemic COVID-19 or Coronavirus.