In a Candle Light Protest Demonstration, Hyderabad people spotted at Ashoknagar, on Saturday. Reports claim that the protest will proceed towards day 2 from Sunday onwards. Candle light protests at Ashoknagar and other parts of Hyderabad, is against the Uttar Pradesh Government. And this protest will not end until justice in India, wakes up.
Candle Light Protests & More…
Protesters condemn the atrocities on women and girls of SC, STC and BCs. Women and girls in India are in tremendous trouble, which made the protesters to take on to streets. “Enough is enough”. Said a few protesters as India should provide easy lives for women & girls. And a peaceful India will surely progress.
“Women and girls need to move out without fear and this is what India’s independence”. Said late Mahatma Gandhi. Stringent actions against the criminals should be initiated without bothering about their political backgrounds. It’s a shame for the gov’t of UP, who could see protesters against atrocities over women & girls. And that to in different parts of India other than UP. The UP gov’t insulted women & girls since a longtime under the leadership of Yogi Adithyanath, which still goes on.
Criminals, who never respect women & girls should be immediately sent to jail with no bail allowed. Crimes like this including theft and murder also should be taken seriously. Taking all these crimes and crimes against women and girls, people in Hyderabad started candle light protests.
The menace of rapes in India, should be taken seriously. A reaction, which allows many more rapes will be of no use. Strict law and order should prevail in the country, particularly in UP.