Shadab Khan is visiting Pakistan’s vice captain in the 2023 World Cup, and Babar Azam leading from the front even in the warmup games of cricket. Both have different views of the City of Hyderabad in Telangana State. Babar Azam is just loving everything in Hyderabad and the food, especially the Hyderabad Biryani and also the response of the people of Hyderabad, loving team Pakistan. He and Shadab Khan on Hyderabad Biryani have said things differently.
When asked by the most experienced commentator Harsha Bhogle, Shadab Khan on Hyderabad Biryani smiled at first. Harsha Bhogle, who also belongs to Hyderabad asked him in the post match presentation. He asked him about the famoust Hyderabad Biryan’s taste. Shadab Khan on Hyderabad Biryani said: “Woh to roz khaare, islie thora slow hogaye”. Means, “we’re having Biryani everyday, and so we’ve become slow”.
Babar Azam on the other hand, liked Hyderabad food and Biryani. He said, he loved Biryani and also the City. He also appreciated the people of Hyderabad supporting Pakistan a lot that was as expected. Also, earlier Babar Azam claimed in India people love sports, and their team. This is incredible that both arch-rival countries’ have fans in India and Pakistan.
The Pakistan fans love team India and the same love team Pakistan recieves in India although Pakistan visited India after 7 years. 2016 was Pakistan’s last visit. Babar Azam is happy and so Shadab Khan. Before the warmup match against Australia, Shadab said: “Babar is that type of person that he would bring drinks when I captain the side. We’re a team like a family. This is the bonding, with which we play cricket”.
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