A drunk man jumps in Tank Bund (Hussain Sagar) in Hyderabad. Some people during the night hours saw him, and to save him, they called the police. The man was reluctant to come out or move a bit closer to hold the rope, which the police asked him in order to rescue him.
There was hue and cry, and also people were enjoying the incident in which he asked for 90. The police said the rude wants 90. “90 hona kate…” The 90 in liquor language means a bit more or less of wine or a wine of some quantity. Drinkers often say, a 60, a 90, etc. A quarter is also a quantity of liquor.
A video also taken by someone and is forwarded to In Hand Writer. The man demanded more liquor, and policemen initially laughed and then gotten angry. This is a shameful act, which not only exposed drinkers, who react absurdly and also nonsensically.
The drunk man jumps in Tank Bund to ask for more liquor and this way becomes later on so frustrating. Finally, the man senses the risk of drowning in Tank Bund and then he comes near the shore. He was fortunate to be rescued.
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