Promises are potent tools in the hands of politicians, particularly during election times. For PM Narendra Modi, the art of making false-promises through his chosen words as an expert orator is crucial by hiding his wrong intentions and with no good future plans.
Throughout his campaigns and tenure, Modi’s commitments have ranged across various critical domains such as economic reform, anti-corruption measures, national security, and more localized issues such as agriculture and healthcare improvements, in all these he failed. But by his emotional acting skills, which helped him to ensure these promises resonate with a wide audience, creating a sense of trust and expectation.
Some of his audience includes the blind followers, who just do not support him, but worship him. Once, BR Ambedkar told that when people start worshiping the leader, a human being, it’s time for destruction everywhere to everything.
However, the effectiveness of these promises can only be measured by their fulfillment. While some of the commitments have not been met, which people realized later, others are still unfulfilled. In all this, it’s a fact that promises to use of words and slurs by Narendra Modi in the intricate landscape of governing a diverse nation like India, are dominant with divide and rule policy. Analyzing these false-promises and their outcomes helps us to understand the political and practical constraints that shape the country’s governance.
From all his lies, strategically crafted interviews, and recent emotional engagement with the media, it appears Modi is losing this time. This is so because people noticed, they’re sufferring just because of BJP. The BJP’s teleprompter-PM would be losing this time surely.
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