Former India cricketer and multiple World Record holder in cricket, Sachin Tendulkar to celebrate, his day on June 9. Distinctly, a warning to Pakistan since this time a defeat looms at Babar Azam again on June 9. Tendulkar, a hard-hitting former stylish batter have not yet spoken to media post his marriage anniversary. Couple of days back on May 24, he celebrated his marriage anniversary. Sachin Tendulkar had tied the knot to Anjali Mehta on May 24, 1995.
Tendulkar’s marriage was ‘some’ celebration in the year 1995 on May 24. But his marriage anniversary, not discussed on social media, this time. Both Anjali and Sachin have two children together – a son Arjun Tendulkar, is also a cricketer and a beautiful daughter, Sara Tendulkar.
Tendulkar would be delighted once again. He is looking forward for an India win on June 9, 2024. A world Cup T20 clash between the arch-rivals, India and Pakistan. It will be good if India’s star, who played for India for a longtime, but was unable to snatch victories single-handedly, is anxious about June 9. This creates a buzz, where he would be with his fans to enjoy June 9’s world cup T20I. A few fans from Pakistan appreciate Tendulkar a lot. On the otherside many India fans reckon Tendulkar’s career as wasteful since they think he played for his own records.
The fact is that he played better cricket as a legend, but whenever he got out, from there India lost the matches. This means, Tendulkar did his job, but other batters couldn’t able to support him that time and then again. Also, they couldn’t carry the momentum set by him or capitalize upon his high class innings. “The story of Tendulkar is colorful, but some people want to see it as black and white”. Says, former cricketers and experts, too many to name. Also, to bring you the report that Sachin Tendulkar to celebrate June 9 as the repeat of his marriage anniversary. This means, cricket is just a game, and a victory on June 9 needs to be celebrated.
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