The BJP candidate from Amethi’s constituency and who was fighting a neck to neck battle with Congress’s KL Sharma, is nowhere in the scene. However, to put her in winning or losing position in any which way after all phases are now done and dusted and voters waiting for June 4, is amusing to know. Earlier Rahul Gandhi was supposed to fight for the Amethi’s seat as opponent to Smriti Irani. There was hue and cry from the BJP govt over Rahul Gandhi’s withdrawal from Amethi since he pulled out.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi told that Sahebzade (Rahul Gandhi) had runaway out of fear from Amethi. But it was turned out to be a Congress masterstroke. Since Smriti Irani couldn’t speak about Rahul Gandhi’s negatives, she was unable to divert Amethi’s attention from INDIA Alliance, especially from Congress. Congress in Amethi is a big challenge for Smriti fighting against KL Sharma rather than Rahul Gandhi.
The winning probability besides opinion polls or besides what people say in Amethi is a big win probably for Kishori Lal Sharma. Sharma was a PA to Rahul Gandhi and is from Amethi. He knows the ground reality of Amethi as he travels everywhere in Amethi. So, Smriti Irani settled to lose as she wasn’t able to speak a word to the reporters. But whenever anyone asked anything to Rahul Gandhi or Priyanka Gandhi, both would be seen to reply in a good manners to anyone, but not Smriti Irani. She would flee, but not Priyanka or Rahul.
When the reporters approached her, she fled away with the driver, who drove her somewhere or to her home. Apart from all these drama, a text post on social media is on the way to circulate, which says Smriti Irani admitted to Gurgaon hospital for a thyroid surgery.
It’s true that Smriti was indeed admitted for a minor surgery in a Gurgaon hospital, but in 2015 on July 9. That is an old news and so she’s healthy now and the truth that she’s fine is a healthy fact-check truth. She’s fine and not admitted to any hospital.
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