Should You Choose To Belong Where You Would Be
It’s not all about laws or in-laws, it’s something to acknowledge your duties as human-beings. You would be a bit different than what you were before your marriage. Bride and groom have equal responsibilities to take care of each other’s parents. Men are men. They won’t allow their wives to take care their in-laws (old parents of wives). Should you choose this way or logically?
This means, illogical that men take help from their wives to take care of their own parents. On the other hand, they dislike their wives to take care of their in-laws (old parents of their wives).
Read a lot. Life isn’t something, where you live and die, that’s it? Just so petty to know to have fun every weekend. Not at all. Spend time to know how should you choose to live the best life. Make an effort.
Men often feel nothing thankful if their wives serve their parents (the in-laws of their wives). But they won’t allow their wives to keep an eye or serve their old in-laws (parents of wives). Also, should you choose to belong where from your religion have come to you and where you would move to. You’ve to decide which way’s the best other than live traditional way of life.
Often people develop changes when they move from one country (place of birth) to another. They behave as if they belong to America, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, Gulf, and so on. But they’re, in fact Asians or from some other countries. It’s good enough to change this way, and also change your traditional way of life too because you have to decide which way of life would be good for you.
Should You Choose The Best Way
Human mind is all about thinking and working hard to follow the best way to live. Change your lifestyle, habits, superstitious-mindset, etc., and think wisely, so that you should know the facts or the truth. Follow the best way. Take out sometime from your schedule and learn which way of life would be better for you to live in the way other than traditionally or orthodoxly.
There’s no such thing for you as you grow up until very old age, you shouldn’t learn. Learning has no age limit. Education has no age limit. Kids learn and go through the beginning part of their education. You too even if at an older or in the middle age should try to learn what’s best and then choose the best to follow.
There’s nothing wrong to follow all good your parents teach you. But the way, they practice followed by their worshiping needs to be understood. Why they do so and why not this way or the other. Thinking here makes sense.
Thinking logically is so crucial. You need to find enough conclusive evidence to understand how you should live and choose a way to live at any part your life.
What you would be taught would not necessarily be factual, but what you should learn logically would be, to understand what to choose. What to choose to live accordingly. Where you would be in a better position for which you need to learn a lot.
Read a lot. Life isn’t something, where you live and die, that’s it? Just so petty to know to have fun every weekend. Not at all. Spend time to know how should you choose to live the best life. Make an effort.
Let yourself and myself know what should we choose to live a proper life. Let’s do some research and let’s know what’s the best way to live.