Leaving a poor country even if it’s your own decision or not, it’s always exciting for many people. Once you leave your country for good to do something to become somebody, you’ll have to work hard a lot. However, you left your own country for a better life, so why not you make some-other’s better lives too.
Why not bring all your siblings even if they’re 3 or more? Let’s discuss here. But before or once you leave your country do read this short piece. Keep this with you and let me know in what situation you’ll be.
People around the world are so mean and selfish. They think, they would take care of your wants or needs by working on a foreign soil while you’re denied the “entry”. The “entry”, would be a BIG NO for you as NO-ENTRY whenever you speak to them.
They visit their own country (yours too) once in a while and initially you’ll be discouraged to migrate to that foreign country for good. They visit once in a while to your country, which allows you to see them because you live or struggle in their country of birth and unfortunately yours too. You’re fortunate to be not somebody, but spending days, months and years in your own country of birth.
Moreover, they keep saying that nothing good would be there. The time passes by, and you can’t even remind them because they think that’s not their fault. No fault of them for a reason, but when they say you’re welcome and why not? This would be too late for you to start from scratch while spending too many years in their country of birth (your own country too).
Once You Leave Not, No Entry…
Well, well, it means, you’re stuck and bound to live an ordinary life. Take it positively and keep patience. Keep working continuously as long as you can in your profession, which’s not of your choice. You might be struggling and having a tough time in your own country (and theirs too). Learn to accept the way your life taught you too many lessons.
The time is so important for you to not commit anymore mistakes in your profession. Guide your children to help each other. Guide them to achieve whatever they want to become. To become somebody or wherever they want to work or study. Let them achieve their dreams. Your dreams vanished like a thin air.
Don’t worry, and let your children do whatever they like to. Let them achieve their dreams. It’s like your dreams of achieving a goal to become somebody or an international figure would go in favor of your children. They’ll achieve what you didn’t.
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