One couldn’t notice that how this way or that way authors or bloggers need social media support too. Social media users on Twitter ignore to read what the blogger posts. But they would be eager to read highly informative posts. But they’ll come hard to criticize him or her if any opportunity comes in their way. So, the impact of blogger is crucial. The more followers, the twitter account of the blogger have, the more reach of the blog posts would be.
It doesn’t matter how many posts the blogger keeps on posting on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. But on social media quick to know what’s happening app, which is WhatsApp, the users are selfish. They don’t want the blogger to post just anything.
If they do not like to be disturbed, they should keep the WhatsApp group on mute. They won’t because they miss out something ‘new’. Also, they forget what the blogger had earlier posted and they had not bothered to read to know what was that blog post.
They come with similar post reading from another group or from another social media platform. This disappoints the blogger because the impact of blogger anywhere counts. But he or she shouldn’t be shocked to know that WhatsApp group members always want some fun. They would download every video and watch.
They can’t click the link to read because it looks painful for them. Moreover, they won’t read the blog article or blog posted by the blogger, who is also the member of the WhatsApp group. He or she as a blogger looks ordinary to other group members or you can say the group members and the admins of different groups. That’s pathetic.
For them impact of blogger nothing
A term well suits them since they behave like machines, they’re artificial people, but not ordinary ones. Oh! again he posted. Oh! again she posted. I don’t like his articles. I don’t like her articles. It goes like this because once they see the title of the blog or you can say headline they think they know everything.
That’s horrible. But again there might be two or three such members in every WhatsApp group that they like what the blogger posts and they read more often.
The impact of blogger counts in such a way that they think, he’s or she’s wasting time by writing blogs. This means, the blogger does a cakewalk and no hard work at all. It takes a lot, right from creating images to focus keywords to create headlines to write meta description, etc. So, let me stop here. But you my friend, read few other blogs here, don’t go away. There are more interesting stuff right here available for you.
See you soon. Remember! Sharing is Caring. Share this blog too.
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