Narendra Modi’s intentions were researched upon to reveal BJP inside story. BJP at the time of Atal Bihari Vajpayee was not that bad but Mr Vajpayee never did any good for minorities. He also never did any bad for the minorities as his govt was not that bad as that of Modi’s.
Narendra Modi is the life time member of RSS. Narendra Modi’s claims that he was innocent for Gujarat violence are blatant lies. Supreme Court has given him a clean chit as it was addressed with Gujarat riots and not Gujarat terrorism. Henceforth, Modi kept on speaking lies and has been termed as the biggest hypocrite.
BJP Inside Story Will Be Updated With More Content
The BJP called Gujarat terrorism as 2002 Gujarat riots since it happened in 2002. They also created Godhra incident and mixed it with Gujarat violence of 2002 to show the court as revenge saga. How many Muslims he killed? It doesn’t matter at all to Indians at that time. Some Muslims suffered a lot including pregnant women. Do the killing of Muslims in Gujarat mattered on the status of Modi? Yes, USA banned Narendra Modi to obtain USA visa for USA visits. USA then granted visa 10 years later when Narendra Modi gained special status after becoming Prime Minister of India.
Mr Modi started travelling abroad frequently and also held a function called Howdy Modi in USA. He misused his special facilities given to him as PM. And he did nothing for the progress of India. Modi is well known as the villain since few years. But it’s not the end of BJP inside story. He targeted Pakistan to please Indians and regained power to rule India as Indians believed that India was in safe hands. There’s a lot to know about BJP inside story and that will be added later. Visit again as this post will be updated soon.