Believe it or not, the worldly life is just a drop of water when compared to oceans full of water. The worldly life is so little that you would be surprised if you could see the world will end at sometime. The time is scheduled, where the world has to end one day. You live how long and for what? Maybe about a lifespan of 60-80 years or just a bit more. Even children could die at the age of 3-4 years, and also new born also die. They’re fortunate to die even in the wombs because they would not be tested anymore. However, you’re here in this world to be tested, and how good are you.
A child even if dies at a very young age of 1 or 2 years then the Creator knows… his or her deeds, which would be what if he or she would have lived longer. The reason is clear to be good to others and be good to all. You never know you’ll be guided by the Creator to live even a better peaceful life. But you’re purchasing this worldly life in exchange of the life after death.
Worldly Life & What You Need To Realize
Realize how the world and its inhabitants given with miraculous powers to make life simpler. Do not harm anyone or do mischief on earth. Live and let others live. You’ll say, “our bodies will be destroyed then how could we be given life again”. Yes, the way you’re created, you’ll be given life again after your death, and you’ll be asked questions. What answers do you have if you continue to do mischief on earth?
Even if you tell your family to destroy your body into pieces or burn it into ashes, the Creator will gather you and assemble you and ask you the questions. So be ready to answer correctly if you don’t want to suffer in the endless life after death. Every soul shall taste death and every soul will be given life and a particular adult age too.
Why Hell (Dozakh) Created?
If you ignore the pleasures of paradise (Jannah) and the endless life, where you’ll dwell in joys then you deserve hell. The punishment in the hell is the severest of the punishments. Worldly life punishments are not even equivalent to about 0.0000000…% when compared to the punishments of hell. The joys of worldly life are just for a time and the world will end on a day, which would be anytime from now. Are you prepared? Ask the creator and He will help you more than what you ask for. Also ask for your sins to be forgiven.
Do you think that it’s easy to do whatever you like to? No you’re going through a test in this world, and if you pass then you’ll be forgiven and will be provided with paradise. The reward for the believers, who do good always. If you ignore the greatest reward of paradise then you can’t bear the punishments after your death. The meaningful life begins after your death, which is endless. World is just for a time, and you would live for how long? You never know that death will be in your way when you think to live for more time and do whatever you like to.
You’ll be tested with wealth, poverty and hunger. If you spend your wealth on good then you would be successful including you worship your Creator and follow what’s told to you or taught to you. Even if you’re in poverty, you need to be thankful to the Creator, and so you’ll be successful. If hunger strikes you then you need to keep patience, and everything becomes lawful for you to feed yourself and then you’ll be successful.
What You Need To Know
Believe this or not, but you need to know how you think that the World is created on its own? A pencil or just anything or the keypad from which this article written never would be created by its own. Someone invented. Someone discovered something for you to make use of whatever your needs would be to use whatever you want to. So, how this entire universe created by its own? No, you’re wrong here itself because someone Created this world and to Whom you need to ask for help and to Whom you need to worship.
1, 2, 3 or 4 decades passes by so easily and quickly, and then comes the taste of death. Do good in this world and be good to others including strangers. What will you do if for example you buy a luxury car with your thinking, you would be happy to get one or ten cars, you want to own. But at the same time in this car or some other car of yours, you’ll possibly die of accident, so then what you will be carrying with your dead body. Even if you have told your family members before your death to cut your body into pieces or burn it to ashes, you’ll still be collected and questioned. Think wisely.
Once you start believing that there’s no God, you’ll be just living a life full of all wrongs. You’ll have no fear of God and you’re not a believer. You will do whatever you like to. You’ll be in a state of poisoning yourself by thinking negatively. The best way to live a good worldly life is to think about the life after death, which is endless. At the time of judgement day, the death will be killed and there will be no death. Decide yourself whether you want to dwell in hell or paradise? What do you say?
Also read: Jennifer Grout famous Artist converted to Islam as she finds peace in Islam
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