It’s no good, but yet there’s no option for the banks to call people for good credit cards or loan offers. What people doing these days by using true-caller, they’re blocking numbers, which are reported as spam. However, during work and when people wait for some important calls or calls for a job change, etc., banks annoy people. The banks not using their own identified or authentic registered phone numbers to call people, which’s something to be sorted out.
The banks know the credit score along with the mobile numbers of their prospective customers. Also, the banks employ agents, who do at least 100 or more calls per day, and are not reported to the true caller as spam calls. Not spam because they use their own mobile numbers to call people.
People pick these phone calls and are annoyed because of the agents, which the banks let them to work for 9 hours per day. In the weekends too, people want to have some good sleep, but by these measures banks annoy people.
Currently, restaurants, and coffee or tea shops also asking their customers to bestow their mobile numbers. They collect their customers’ mobile numbers to call them for just the reason with an offer to visit again. They also sometimes leak their customers’ mobile numbers.
1 to too many, banks annoy people
“I was annoyed by too many calls and I keep on blocking each call. But once I saw a lady didn’t bestowed her mobile number to a restaurant. I thought even I shouldn’t allow my mobile numbers to be noted by just anyone other than my known people. So, I started picking the calls only from my contacts and keep on blocking unknown numbers. Now, I have enough time to relax”. Said a person registered on true-caller.
However, one and just many others in similar victimized way, reportedly said that they have to wait for a call. But they keep on picking the calls that are coming to them. All these almost are from the banks, offering loans and credit cards. Jumping and using all their energy to pick the calls to just find that the calls are from the banks, annoys the people just too much.
One person commented on Quora that these days, there’s no other solution than pick every call, and if the caller is not worthy, then block. That’s it. However, mostly banks annoy people by calling through their agents and by sending text messages. If a person couldn’t acknowledge the text message, then why the banks call them using their agents.
Disclaimer: The report created using inputs from many people, who expressed their own experiences. We do not take any responsibility over the outcome. This report doesn’t criticize any org or any bank or the authorities. We are bothered about coming up with unique and new or latest posts to let the people know all which’s going on in India or anywhere.
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