In the game of cricket, a sports, the star cricketer, Virat Kohli skips excellence and talks about betterment. Let’s see how betterment would be the key factor for the business growth by dealing with customers, way better. He says, every now and then, a person should think about betterment and logically look for weaknesses, which one needs to overcome. He means, get better day by day, but age comes as a factor in sports like cricket to retire. However, betterment is meaningful in one’s life than excellence. Everyone learns something or the other everyday.
Being busy is just too good even if things not that important or necessary for you to do. But you would be not wasting any time and would be engaged in any of the activities. Doing something would be the best if not better than doing nothing, and so to not just say.
Time management is very important and if you know very well to not waste a single minute, you’re through. You’re through with all your skills to know more to learn more or you would not sit idle. Sitting idle distracts customers to not visit your store. You should be as busy as you’re doing some work or the other while you can play games on laptop, desktop or mobile in your store. Doing something would be the best than doing nothing.
4 Things To Avoid While Dealing With Customers
- Yawn: When a person concentrates hard, anxious or curious to know something to understand better, he or she won’t yawn. Yawning is inversely proportional to concentrating hard. Can’t yawn in a meeting, for example. Yawning while dealing with customers, regarded as an offense, and so listen to understand to reply rather than listen to reply. You won’t yawn then.
- Sneezing: You can say, simply excuse me and take a tissue or move away from your customer to sneeze somewhere in your shop or business.
- Hurried Feeling: Do not hurry when dealing with customers. Take your time and do what’s the needful or fulfill the customers’ orders.
- Farting: This is some excuse, you would notice the fart is in the way right from within your body to exit to spread around with some smell. In this case, say, “excuse me, I’ll be back soon”. Go to the washroom and finish your fart by applying some pressure. Comeback and continue with what you need to do while dealing with customers.
Breathe work always when in your store. Don’t clock watch. Clock watching might be the work of some security guards, who want always to finish their duties. Every now and then keep your intent positive to meet and greet your customers. Once you’re in a position to sell. Sell the best product. Suggest the customers the best. Don’t keep the best items or products in your store for someone else, which are fast-selling or best-sellers. Importantly, selling products matters. Selling counts, but not what you sold. In this case, inventory is so good to follow.
Businesses practice inventory management to ensure that they have enough stock on-hand and to identify when there’s a shortage. Inventory is a business’s accounting of the items, and component parts it uses to sell.
Finally again, every now and then keep your intent positive to meet and greet your customers. Once you’re in a position to sell. Sell the best product. Suggest the customers the best. In this case, inventory is so good to follow.
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